Why is the Department of Education mum about the Enyobeni Tarven Tragedy?

The Department of Education has gone completely silent on the Enyobeni Tarven tragedy. It is surprising to not hear nor read any statement from Minister Angie Motshekga or any of the officials at the Department of Education. 

It is not because they are too busy to comment or make a statement about the Enyobeni Tarven Tragedy, but it is because they are part of this alcohol problem. 

Not so long ago the Department of Education made condoms available at Primary Schools in response to school children getting pregnant. Before that, they are busy implementing a policy that will allow alcohol in school functions. 

The above mentions are the current leading issues for young people. 

Department of Education

Sex education is a complete joke, it is definitely a European copy and paste program with very little to no research on suitability for an African child. This Eurocentric approach has created children who become super curious about sex and some go on to engage in sexual activity. 

Enyobeni Tarven Tragedy exposed many kids who attended a Tarven with such a sexual name, it tells you that these young kids made a bad choice while learning about sex at school.

Now the Department of Education is busy pushing for alcohol to be available at schools, this is the reason they’re mum, in time when they should be coming out to say something about the Enyobeni Tarven Tragedy. It is learners who died while celebrating mid-year exams pens down. 

Department of Education

South Africa has an alcohol issue. For the department of education to encourage alcohol in school functions is definitely not a solution to this problem. 

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