My School

School Profile,

My name is Zinhle Mbanjwa. I am a content creator at TMS, and today I would like to profile my school, Sinevuso Secondary School, in the Rural Ixopo area.

The school is in an area called Chibini, and over the years it has established itself as a center of academic excellence. This began with us as learners thriving to wear a full, representative uniform as a means to show how proud we are of our school. Then it led to us working hard in the classroom so that we raise the standard and quality of our academic excellence.

Sinevuso is a government school in the Harry Gwala District in KwaZulu Natal.


As a learner at Sinevuso, I am proud of my badge, which carries a meaning or a message along the lines of “Into enhle iyasetshenzelwa,” meaning that to get beautiful things in life, you must put in hard work. For me, this is an important message, especially for a girl child, because we see our peers in the city rely a lot on men to do things for them, which then exposes them to a world of abuse and worthlessness. Therefore, the badge reminds me that I must work hard for the things I love and not rely on other people.

The school is the pride of the community of Ixopo, eChibini, because most communities do not have schools, and so learners must walk long distances to attend school, especially in rural areas like ours. I am mostly proud of my teachers here because they are very knowledgeable, and they do everything they can to pass that knowledge on to us.

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There is a big company that donates furniture, printers, and laptops; I think the company’s name is Al Baraka. Their support has helped advance the vision of becoming the center of academic excellence. Because of this support, Sinevuso achieved the highest results in our education circuit. On behalf of my fellow students, we say thank you, Al Baraka!


Under the leadership of my principal, Mr. Mkhize, this school is going places; watch the space!

Sinevuso has the hardest-working students who pride themselves on respect and know who they are, what they are, and where they are going! To be part of this tribe of students is the greatest honor for me. My fellow students are all about the future and what they want to achieve. This is a great improvement from the stories we often hear from our teachers. The school used to have the most unruly students who bunked school, the complete opposite of today’s generation of students. Sinevuso is a very disciplined and respectable school.

Article by Zinhle Mbanjwa