Today we bring you an artist by the name of Advokate I real name Gabriel Muchanyu, a Zimbabwean recording artist currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa. This talented reggae artist recently released an EP titled Royal Devotion.

We thought we’d twist things a bit by bringing you something people had forgotten about. One of the oldest music genres of all time is reggae music. It is a genre that gave us the likes of Bob Marley and Lucky Dube, legends who emerged from humble beginnings to their glory days, giving us great hits. Songs that spoke to the consciousness of our society Right now, very few people in South Africa know about Nkulee Dube, daughter of the late great Lucky Dube. Nkulee is taking the world by storm, touring the world with the biggest reggae band; she is as big as her father, if not bigger. This is a testimony to the fact that reggae music lives and breathes out there.


The likes of Advokate I are the new generation of reggae musicians tasked with keeping the genre original yet adaptive to the ever-changing times. During the sit down with Advokate I we had an interesting conversation.

What attracted you to reggae music?

My love for creating music was the biggest attraction for me. I watched my peers at school perform and win prizes. My desire grew from there.

What would you be doing right now if it wasn’t music?

I don’t think I would be doing anything else besides music. Music is in me, so there was not going to be anything else for me. I’m not saying the youth out there should not have a backup plan, but I believe that with the drive and determination I put into my work, there’s nothing else for me but music.

What is your creative process like?

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I don’t sit down and say I’m writing a song now; the inspiration comes with certain situations and my state of mind. Music is the only thing I use to express myself fully and truly.

If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?



Are there venues that you loved performing at?

I can’t pick a favorite venue because I’ve enjoyed performing at all of them.

Which famous artist do you admire?


If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would do away with the gatekeepers

Regarding the reggae genre, what influence do you think it has on our cultures as people?

Reggae is one of the few genres that still values and promotes authenticity, from the sound to the message and even the clothing worn by fellow artists and fans of the sound, which is in line with our ancestral culture’s attire. Reggae promotes the African culture through Ubuntu and promotes and protects human values, beliefs, and rights, which are under critical attack.
It simply carries a message that’s relevant and relatable to all races, tribes, and religions, to mention a few. There are people already at the forefront; reggae has neither been on top nor dropped, so I will only be contributing to its eternal relevance. I have to offer more than uniqueness and authenticity; yeah, that’s all we need to be pushing.

What would you say about the late Lucky Dube?

Lucky Dube is like Bob Marley when it comes to reggae in Africa, he came second to none and there will be no one like him. His influence musically is something words can’t express; his fight and wishes are the same as mine as I follow in his footsteps. He tried to the best of his abilities to bring races, tribes, religious leaders, and political leaders together regardless of their differences.

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What is the one message you would give to your fans?


I just want to see them practicing, or, let me say, living in love with one another. True love is not pretense, which is why we came up with the live-in-love clothing brand. That’s a movement to promote love because love conquers all. 

What are your plans for the future?

Greatness is unfolding, and music is spreading globally.

Your thoughts on the AKA shooting?
I don’t know what led to the death of AKA, but a loss of life is something unjustifiable, especially in the way his life was taken. I believe that the South African music industry, as well as the rest of the world, has been robbed of a star, a humble yet hardworking artist who has inspired many children. The news broke my heart, let alone his family and his daughter left behind.