Covid-19 Vaccineclassroom of a daycare center without children and teacher; Shutterstock ID 1553133782; Purchase Order: -

The Department of Basic Education is clear on vaccinating children at school. Children as young as 9 years old have allegedly been vaccinated in some schools around the country. A parent called in at SA FM on Aldrin Sampear’s show BTH to complain about her 10-year-old child who was vaccinated at school without her knowledge.

Mr. Elijah Mhlanga, the Department’s spoke person, said that the Department is working closely with the Department of Health on this. And they have not started any vaccination programs in schools. He said that if the parent agrees with the teacher to have their child vaccinated, then there is no problem.

But as a department, they have developed a parent consent form to have children vaccinated when the time comes. This is to avoid anything coming back to the school or the department should anything happen to a child after vaccination.

A move applauded by many as very responsible by the Department of Education.

Covi-19 Vaccine

While countries like Australia have approved the Covid-19 vaccine for younger children, in Vietnam 4 children between the ages of 12 and 15 have died after they have been vaccinated. Covid-19 vaccines are said to be safer even for children. However, many people have come out to share their personal experiences and what they have witnessed in their communities. Such stories are highly censored by the media and social media platforms. Which leaves many people suspicious of the ultimate motives behind the censoring of people’s personal testimonies about the Covid-19 vaccines.

Several universities have approved mandatory vaccination policies for anyone stepping foot on their premises. Such policies are confusing because vaccines are reportedly not effective with the new variant of Covid-19, the Omnicron, which has driven South Africa to approve booster shots.

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The Covid-19 vaccines are an ongoing study for scientists as they have admitted to not knowing much about this virus. This leaves a question, “How do you develop a trusted treatment for a virus that you don’t know much about?” unless you are running ongoing trials and collecting data to study, which is what is currently happening. This then automatically disqualifies the mandatory Covid-19 vaccine, which is a continuous study alongside the virus.

This is the reason why scientists keep asking people to report their reaction to the Covid-19 vaccine so that they can collect data for further studies.  

Story submitted by Zinhle Mbanjwa